Fee Schedule

Mileage IRS Rate $0.70
Per Diem - per day $30.00
Per Diem - council $50.00
Fax Service - send/receive local $2.00
Fax Service - send/receive long distance $4.00
Photo Copies (if paper is provided) $0.05
Photo Copies - Letter $0.10
Color Copies - Letter $0.15
Photo Copies - Legal $0.25
Color Copies - Legal $0.35
Photo Copies - 11 X 17 $0.50
Color Copies - 11 X 17 $0.75
Copy of Council Minutes - CD $12.00
Annual Budget Documents $10.00
Comprehensive Plan $25.00
Municipal Code Book .25 per page
$50.00 or whatever is less
Assessment Search $25.00
NSF Checks $30.00
Cemetery Lot Sale $175.00
Petition to Close a Road or Vacate $400.00
Petition to Amend an Ordinance $400.00
Convenience Fee - pay online with a credit card by city hall employee 5%
Recording Fee - Variance & Conditional Use (document requires recording) $55.00
Damage Deposit $100.00
Non-Profit - Funeral $100.00
Reunion, Birthday, Anniversary $150.00
Weddings $300.00
Setup - Wedding - half day $150.00
Setup - Reunion, Birthday, Anniversary - half day $75.00
Meeting 3 hours or less (no use of kitchen) $60.00
Extrication $300.00
Car Fire $300.00
House Burn (in town) $1,000.00
House Burn (out of town) $1,500.00
Fire calls - 3 in 30 days $300.00
Intoxicating Liquor License $2,000.00
Sunday Liquor $200.00
Club License $300.00
Club Sunday License $100.00
Wine License $1,000.00
Bottle Club $150.00
On Sale - 3.2 $50.00
Off Sale - 3.2 $40.00
2 AM Closing License $0.00
Liquor License Application $500.00
Micro Distillery Operation License $0.00
Micro Distillery Off-Sale .375 Bottle $250.00
Micro Distillery Cocktail Room License $200.00
Cigarette $80.00
Fireworks License $50.00
Dog - Male $15.00
Dog - Female Spade $15.00
Dog - Female $20.00
Impound Fee 1st Offense $35.00
Impound Fee 2nd Offense $50.00
Garbage license $300.00
Rolloff license $20.00
Sexually Oriented Businesses $2,000.00
Body Piercing & Tatoo Fee $200.00
96.05 Alarm Fee $0.00
Burning Permit Fee $0.00
Peddlers License $50.00
Movers Fee $50.00
Entertainment License $10.00
Car Wash $0.00
Lawful Gambling Fee $25.00
One Day Non Profit Liquor License $30.00
One Day Special Event Liquor License $30.00
Special Zoning Meeting $250.00
Special Council Meeting $750.00
In addition to the fees listed, City Engineer, City Attorney, Planning Consultant, or other consultant fees will be charged on an actual cost basis.
All fees double if a permit is not received prior to the start of a project
Annexation (not city initiated) $1,500.00
Development Agreement $500.00
Extra Site Visit / Inspection (per hour; minimum 1 hour charge)
Conditional Use Permit $400.00
Interim Use Permit $400.00
Variance Permit $400.00
Planned Unit Development $400.00
Rezone $400.00
Petition to Vacate Public Right-of-Way or Easement $400.00
Petition for Zoning Amendment / Comp Plan $400.00
Platting $750.00
Metes and Bounds Subdivision $300.00
Lot Line Adjustment $100.00
Non-conforming lots $100.00
Subdivision Inspection Fee (Street and Utility Inspection Fee) $500.00
Demolition Permit $100.00
Zoning Permit $40.00
Appeal $100.00
Special Meeting $100.00
No Building Permit approval before starting / Stop Work Order $1,000.00
Parking Fee $25 doubles after 48 hours
Impound Fee after 48 hours $25 a day max $250
Recreational Vehicle - One Time Fee - Annual Review $20.00
Administrative Fee - per day $50.00
Building maintenance & appearance $50/day
Nuisance parking & storage $50/day
Dogs (nuisances) $50/day
Dogs (running at large) $50/day
Dog (no license) $100.00
Abandonment of Vehicles $50/day
Elimination of nuisance cases by weeds & grass $50/day
Grass Not Cut $100.00
Sanding per job $40.00
Plowing $75.00
Blower $80.00
Trucks $65.00
Sanding per yard $120.00
Grader $70.00
Sweeping $75.00
Meter - 5/8" $262.00
Meter - 1" $364.00
Meter - 1 1/2" $658.00
Meter - 2" $863.00
Meter - 4" $1,600.00
Meter - 6" $2,298.00
Sewer Access Charge (SAC) each up to 4 units $1,500.00
(SAC) Apartments over 4 units each unit $500.00
Water Access Charge (WAC) each up to 4 units $1,500.00
(WAC) Apartments over 4 units each unit $500.00
Turn On Water due to Delinquent Utility Bill (turn on fee) $25.00
Turn On Water due to Delinquent Utility Bill (turn on fee after hours) $150.00
Utility Bill Late Fee $5.00
Water: Base Charge - Minimum charge per month (includes 1,000 gallons) $35.80
Water: Each 1,001 - 5,000 Gallons $4.25
Water: Each 5,001 to 10,000 Gallons $4.50
Water: Each 10,001 to 20,000 Gallons $4.75
Water: Each 20,001 and above Gallons $5.00
Water: Bulk water (per gallon) $0.05
Water: EDU charge per 4,000 gallons used for multi family properties $35.80
Water: Seasonal Water & Sewer user per month $35.80
Sewer: Base Charge - Minimum charge per month $26.55
Sewer: Each 1,000 Gallons $3.85
Sewer: Fixed Charge Non Metered - Minimum charge per month (4,000 gallon average) $38.10
Sewer: User Fee - Minimum billed per month $8.50
Sewer: Seasonal Sewer user $24.50
Storm Water: Residential Use $3.00
Storm Water: Multi-family Residential Use $5.50
Storm Water: Commercial Use $8.00
35-gallon container $16.89
65-gallon container $19.35
95-gallon container $21.39
FEMA Response: Fire Departments
Aerial Apparatus $600.00
Engines/Pumpers $450.00
Rescue $300.00
Tenders/Tankers $300.00
Rescue/Dive Boat $200.00
Brush Truck/Grass Rig (UTV, ATV, Side by Side $150.00
Personnel/Command $150.00
FEMA Response: Manpower (per hour)
Firefighters $30.00
Emergency Medical Responder/EMT $30.00
Captain/Lieutenant/Safety Officer $35.00
Battalion Chief/Assistant Chief $40.00
Fire Chief $50.00
FEMA Response: Additional (per hour)
Vehicle Fires - flat rate minimum $300.00
Natural/LP Gas Leak - flat rate minimum $400.00
False Alarms - 3 per facility/calendar year $300.00
Cell phone usage flat rate $15.00
Replacement of any equipment damaged, or taken out of service Actual Cost
Mileage $0.58/per mile
FEMA Response: Public Works Fees
Skid Loader $80//hr
Wheel Loader $90/hr
Portable Generator $25/hr
Water Pumps (per pump) $15/hr
Chainsaws $15/hr
Jetter $75/hr
Vac $75/hr